Anna Maria Caponecchi – Feldenkrais Movimento e Apprendimento

Anna Maria Caponecchi

Anna Maria Caponecchi

  • Feldenkrais Method® Trainer
  • Educational Director
  • JKA Workshop Instructor

Group Lessons

Tuesday: 6:30 PM– 8 PM

Wednesday: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Thursday: 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM

Individual Lessons

by appointment

Lessons for Children

2015 JKA Jeremy Krauss Approach www 300dpi 1042pixel


Viale dei Quattro Venti n. 47, Roma
zona Monteverde Vecchio



Curriculum vitae

Anna Maria Caponecchi

Feldenkrais Trainer

Educational Director

Laurea in Political Science


2012 –  Feldenkrais Method Trainer

European, American and Australian Training Accreditation

2001-  Assistant Trainer

Teacher in professional training programs in Italy, Europe and Japan

1992 – Feldenkrais Method Teaching Certificate from “Roma 1” Training Program

organized by The Feldenkrais Foundation, Inc., in Washington, founded by Moshe


Since obtaining her Teaching Certificate, she has

  • led numerous groups, individual lessons and workshops.
  • contributed significantly to promoting the Method by organizing and teaching in “Roma 2” (1994-98), “Roma 3” (1999-2002), “Roma 4” (2003-2007), “Roma 5” (2007-2011) and “Roma 6” (2011-2015) professional training programs.
  • organized many Feldenkrais-related events, such as conferences, presentations, workshops, supervisions, and refresher courses.
  • worked and studied with trainers of many generations.

1981-87 – Participated in theater classes, studied diverse movement techniques, created shows for children and led workshops with children. In Paris, she studied Analyse du mouvement” with Monica Panieux and discovered the Feldenkrais Method.

1980 – Graduated in Political Science, specializing in Historical-Economic aspects at the University of Perugia.

1976 – Graduated from Classical High School


She speaks Italian, English and French.

In her almost thirty years of experience, she has

  • developed a clear and empathetic style of working with adults, adolescents and children
  • collaborated with teachers, artists, doctors, obstetricians, psychotherapists and pediatric neuropsychiatrists
  • developed many educational projects, including courses for obstetricians working in the Foligno Hospital entitled “Awareness Through Movement: The Feldenkrais Method in childbirth classes” and “A Healthy Perineum: From a soft to a well-toned pelvic floor”, and offered in other cities as well.
  • followed the training of Feldenkrais Method students with refresher courses and supervisions
  • worked with children and adolescents. Her approach to psycho-motor problems of special needs children allowed her to present a paper at the 14th Conference on Neurologie dell”Età Evolutiva: “Verbal and Non-verbal Communication in the Approach to Neuro-motor Re-education in a Case of Charcot-type Hereditary Peripheral Neuropathology” and “The Feldenkrais Method: Therapist-Patient Experience and Relationship in a Charcot-type Peripheral Neuropathology (HMSN1)” at the Department of Developmental Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
  • Studied motor development in children in-depth
  • Obtained a JKA Certificate ((Jeremy Krauss approach based on the Feldenkrais Method) to work with special needs children and child development
  • Participated in an international project on the Feldenkrais Method approach to scoliosis, “The Scoliosis Project”, with E. Almagor and A. Krivin
  • Held a conference-workshop at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the University of Perugia, Cinema-Theatre Dept, as part of research on “The Influence of Movement Techniques in Dance and Theatre in the 1900s”, coordinated by Prof. Marotti.

Some of her many workshops include:

  • Breath, Voice and Posture
  • Eyes and Mouth in Facial Expressions and Posture
  • Reversibility of Movement
  • Movement Strategies at the Computer
  • Soft Hands, Hands that Feel
  • The Back in Movement
  • Exploring How Eye Movement Organizes Body Movement
  • Feet and Dynamic Stability: Function of the Feet in Transmitting Force through the Skeleton and in Dynamic Stability”
  • She developed Post-trainings for Feldenkrais Method teachers and residential summer workshops focusing on walking.

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itItaliano (Italian)


Since 2012 she has taught on several occasions and in the various years in the Professional Training Courses of:


  • Roma 5 Feldenkrais Movimento e Apprendimento
  • Roma 6 Feldenkrais Movimento e Apprendimento
  •  Roma 7 Feldenkrais Movimento e Apprendimento
  • Vienna 6 International Feldenkrais Institut
  • Vienna 7-8-9 International
  • Milano 8-9 Istituto di Formazione Feldenkrais Isfel
  • Monferrato 1-2 Centro Feldenkrais A.S.C.D.
  • Strigara 4 Centro Feldenkrais CSM
  • Formacao Feldenkrais Brasil, Nucleo Feldenkrais Brazil
  • Feldenkrais Training in St.Gilgen Austria
  • Feldenkrais Ausbildung Francoforte
  • Feldenkrais Ausbildung Monaco
  • Self -Wise Formation Professionelle Feldenkrais Parigi
  • Cina 1 Dalian

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itItaliano (Italian)


This post is also available in: itItaliano (Italian)


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