Christoph Habegger completed the Feldenkrais Training in England and has been teaching for over 20 years. He is a trainer in international Feldenkrais trainings, co-director of the Feldenkrais Training Zurich City 2, and is involved as a board member for the Feldenkrais Association Austria. After studying at the Vienna Conservatory and 18 years of professional experience as an actor and singer, Christoph completed further training in Atem-Tonus-Ton, Embodied Life, Focusing, Lichtenberger Stimmpädagogik, and Amos Hetz Movement Studies. Christoph is a Atem-Tonus-Ton teacher, trainer and training director as well as an Embodied Life Guide. He was a university teacher at the Bruckner University Linz for 7 years, teaches at the SOMART Institute Vienna, as a lecturer at universities as well as in training and further education in Europe and Japan.